Milne Friend and Partners
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Please call us to discuss any claims or incidents that may develop into a claim. Below we have provided details about what to do in the event of a claim. Some insurers have out-of-hours claims lines, so please refer to your policy documents if you need to urgently report a claim to your insurer outside of our office hours.

What To Do
In the event of a claim, you have an obligation to minimise the loss. This means you have to take any reasonable measures to prevent further loss. For example, if you have a water leak, turn the water off at the mains immediately and turn on all the taps to drain the system. A good rule of thumb is to proceed as though you were not insured - i.e. actions you would find reasonable an insurer should find reasonable also.

Under new Civil Procedure Rules (The Jackson Reforms 2013), your insurer has only one day to provide an initial response to an employers' liability or public liability "Claims Notification Form". If you receive a CNF, please immediately report this to us and we will respond to the claimant solicitor and send it on to your insurers. If the time frame is not complied with, the solicitor will be able to charge significantly higher fees, which could affect your claims experience.

Many insurers have lists of approved repairers and suppliers, so before undertaking any work, or replacing lost or damaged items, it is prudent to check with the insurer first as the price they are able to obtain may be the maximum they will pay. Always retain any damaged items until the insurer has indicated that it is okay to dispose of them as a loss adjuster may want to examine them.

Prompt notification to the insurer is very important, especially in liability claims where the policy will specifically give a maximum amount of time for notification of a known issue. The maximum notification period is usually 21 days for liability claims and 30 days for others.

Copyright © 2024 Milne Friend and Partners. Last modified 05/09/2024. Please read the disclaimer.
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